
I was doing a Google search for the term “you and your father” for a smart assed remark, but instead got sidetracked when I saw a question on Yahoo! answers. The original page has been removed from Yahoo! Answers but it was still in Google Cache and said “Who would win between you and your father in your prime in a boxing match?”

I thought that the question was poorly worded but at its core, it is an interesting one. I think that a lot of guys wonder some variation of it at times in their lives.  To make the question more interesting I think that both subjects have to be their prime.

So I sat and thought about it.

In his prime, my father played basketball, was in the Army, played semipro football, played softball and was a Deputy Sheriff serving warrants in the streets of Detroit. He had cancer in multiple organs including his stomach and thought it was just acid reflux. His prime lasted from about 15 until his death at 57.

In my prime, I was able to do twelve straight pushups and could walk 8 miles home from work with no problem. I have allergies so bad that I can’t even cut my own grass without wheezing. My prime lasted from about 24 until 25.

Advantage: Dad
