Yesterday Stephen had a shared birthday party with his cousin Mya, who is a year older. It was at Chuck E Cheese’s and it was a pretty good time. I was tired so I found one spot and stayed there until I was told we had to move out of the party area and head to the general public area. So I found another spot and sat there until it was time to go.

When we first go there, Stephen didn’t want to do anything except sit next to me. That was until the pizza came. He ate, the kids opened presents and he ended up having a pretty good day.

There was really only one present he wanted and as you can see he got it. Not to say that he didn’t appreciate getting the other gifts, but it was very obvious which one was his favorite.

Birthday gift

I think it is a little weird that he is so into Mario because I remember playing Donkey Kong on the Atari 2600 with my cousins. For some reason, he doesn’t think that Mario has been around for so long.

Gabryale also attended the party and spent some time with her granddad. Every time I put my phone down, she would pick it up and hand it to me. So I took a picture.


I tried a couple of times to get her to smile, but she wasn’t having any of that.

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