Derek Coward on October 6th, 2010
Library at the De La Salle College of Saint Be...

Image via Wikipedia

Ever since school started, Stephen has been looking forward to being able to go to the school library. He has been making all kinds of plans for the types of books he was going to check out. At the top of his list was almanacs. I wasn’t too sure they would let him check out an almanac since it was a reference book, but at least he wanted it.

Today was the first time his class was able to go to the library and it was a pretty disappointing time. Even if he couldn’t get almanacs, I know that he is a big fan of the ‘Diary of A Wimpy Kid’ books and would have gotten one of them. Unfortunately, his class was only allowed to select from a small group of books. According to Stephen, “it wasn’t even three shelves.”

So instead of getting a book that he wanted or even a book that he would have read, he ended up getting a Todd Parr book. I’m pretty sure they are well crafted books, but they are so below his reading level that it isn’t funny. I was considering a letter to the school administration about this situation, but instead I think I will give him some books that are closer to his reading level.

However, I’m not sure how much I will be hurting him in the long run. If I challenge his mind at home and they fail at school, then he will be less inclined to listen to the teachers.

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Derek Coward on September 14th, 2010
A glass of chocolate milk.

Image via Wikipedia

Stephen: Daddy, when you make my lunch can you make sure you put in a juice box or two?

Me: I forgot? Sorry, buddy. What did you drink?

Stephen: Nothing.

Me: Nothing? All day?

Stephen: No. I had some chocolate milk that I don’t like.

Me: You don’t like chocolate milk?

Stephen: No. I don’t like THIS chocolate milk?

Me: What’s wrong with it? Does it have a bad after-taste?

Stephen: No, it has a bad before-taste.

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Derek Coward on September 6th, 2010

Stephen: Why is the fan blocking the downstairs entrance?

Me: Ask your mother. And why can’t you say ‘door’ like any other kid?

Stephen: Because I’m your kid.

Me (shrugging): Can’t argue with you there.

My father, somewhere in another plane of reality or reincarnated as a small child, is laughing. He might not know why he is laughing, but he is laughing.


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Derek Coward on May 30th, 2010

This video was originally posted to YouTube, but for some reason, YouTube decided to strip out all of the sound. As you can tell, there is no music in the background (at one time, they were allowing videos to be posted but they removed all of the music from there, even incidental music that had NOTHING to do with the rest of the video). I’m not sure why the sound was gone, but I don’t have to worry about it; this is a video primarily for my friends and family and you can all see it from here.

This is a continuation of the goofy dance Stephen started when he found out I was home early.
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Derek Coward on May 30th, 2010

This video was originally posted to YouTube, but for some reason, YouTube decided to strip out all of the sound. As you can tell, there is no music in the background (at one time, they were allowing videos to be posted but they removed all of the music from there, even incidental music that had NOTHING to do with the rest of the video). I’m not sure why the sound was gone, but I don’t have to worry about it; this is a video primarily for my friends and family and you can all see it from here.

This is my granddaughter Gabryale bonding with me. I was trying to tickle her belly and she wanted to get away. Of course, she kept coming back for more.
[kaltura-widget uiconfid=”535″ entryid=”0_4dw05sla” width=”400″ height=”330″ addpermission=”-1″ editpermission=”-1″ /]


Derek Coward on May 30th, 2010

This video was originally posted to YouTube, but for some reason, YouTube decided to strip out all of the sound. As you can tell, there is no music in the background (at one time, they were allowing videos to be posted but they removed all of the music from there, even incidental music that had NOTHING to do with the rest of the video). I’m not sure why the sound was gone, but I don’t have to worry about it; this is a video primarily for my friends and family and you can all see it from here.

I work evenings and don’t get to see Stephen a lot. Here is his reaction to me coming home early enough to see him one night.
[kaltura-widget uiconfid=”535″ entryid=”0_pqpbkg07″ width=”400″ height=”330″ addpermission=”-1″ editpermission=”-1″ /]


Derek Coward on May 30th, 2010

This video was originally posted to YouTube, but for some reason, YouTube decided to strip out all of the sound. As you can tell, there is no music in the background (at one time, they were allowing videos to be posted but they removed all of the music from there, even incidental music that had NOTHING to do with the rest of the video). I’m not sure why the sound was gone, but I don’t have to worry about it; this is a video primarily for my friends and family and you can all see it from here.

This is just a quick clip of Gabryale enjoying a tasty beverage.

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Derek Coward on May 26th, 2010
Fields of Science

Image by Image Editor via Flickr

When we were kids, my mother would buy me and my brother educational toys. Not just games that helped us with reading and writing, but things like erector sets, rock tumblers, chemistry sets, this thing that taught us about electricity and circuitry, magnets, etc. Plus, we always seemed to have a microscope or telescope around the house.

Even though neither of us went into careers that had anything to do with engineering, geology, chemistry, physics, biology or anything like that, I’m glad we were at least exposed to things like that as kids. Stephen knows how to use computers, but I wonder if I am not limiting his potential by not getting him the type of things my mom got for us. This is something that I have to think about.

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Derek Coward on May 12th, 2010

Stephen had taken a slight fall on the stairs at home. This is the post fall interview. I’m pretty sure he was about four at the time.
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Derek Coward on May 4th, 2010

I have been putting actual content in my test messages and this is no exception.Gabryale2 This is a picture of my granddaughter. One that I don’t think I have posted before. Isn’t she a cutie?
